Alamri Observatory
Alamri Observatory
I was fascinated with photography since my childhood but in 2013 I joined a group of amateur for moon sighting from that time I could not stop myself from thinking about the night sky so I started my journey .
In 2016 I build my own observatory beside my home in a small village with less light pollution.
My equipment :
- IEQ45 PRO mount
- Ioptron minitower pro mount
- ioptron sky guider pr
- Celestron 8 edgehd telescope
- Apochromatic triplet explore scientific refractor
- TS doublet refractor
- Red cat 51 mm
- Moravian g2 8300 mono camera
- Imaging source dmk41 mono camera
- Lumenera lm165 mono camera
- ZWO 1600 color cooled camera
- ZWO 178 cooled color camera
- Canon 6D